Gulfport Slip and FallAccident Lawyer

Gulfport Slip and Fall
Accident Lawyer

If you’ve suffered an injury as a result of a slip and fall accident in Gulfport, Mississippi, contact Brown, Bass & Jeter, PLLC, today. We’re committed to providing experienced legal representation and helping each of our clients fight to claim the compensation they deserve.

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Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents occur for a variety of reasons, often involving unsafe conditions that go unnoticed or unattended by property owners.

Some of these circumstances include the following:

  • Wet and uneven surfaces: Spills, poorly maintained floors, and uneven walking surfaces make for the most common causes of slips and falls.
  • Weather conditions: Ice, snow, and rain can make outdoor surfaces slippery and dangerous as a result.
  • Lack of training: Improperly trained employees who cannot handle slippery floors or uneven terrain make such hazards more likely to cause falls.
  • Poor lighting: Makes it hard to see obstacles or changes in walking surfaces.
  • Clutter and obstacles: Disorderly walkways or loose cables and wires can easily trip someone.
  • Improper stair design or maintenance: Broken steps, lack of handrails, or uneven stair treads can cause people to trip and fall.
  • Lack of warning signs: Failing to post signs alerting to any of the hazards listed above only increases the risk of accidents.

Given that slip and fall incidents have such a wide array of causes, it’s essential to do what you can to keep yourself safe. If you do find yourself injured in a slip and fall, contact an attorney from Brown, Bass & Jeter as soon as possible.

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Where Do Slip and Fall Accidents Happen?

Not only are the causes of slips and falls highly variable, but so are their settings. Common places where these incidents occur include areas like:

Retail Stores and Shopping Malls

These high-traffic spaces are often made hazardous by slippery floors, cluttered aisles, or uneven flooring.

Restaurants and Bars

Spills, slick surfaces, and the often dim lighting of these establishments increase the risk of falls.


Industrial settings, offices, and construction sites are often littered with hazards like loose wires, wet floors, or uneven surfaces.

Residential Properties

Whether in a single-family house or an apartment complex, staircases, bathtubs, and poorly maintained floors can all prove risky.

Public Spaces

Parks and buildings that are accessible to the general public can include tripping hazards due to poor maintenance, natural elements, or uneven ground.

Parking Lots and Garages

Cracks, potholes, and icy conditions on sidewalks in these places are common causes of falls.

Hospitals and Care Facilities

The elderly and those with mobility issues are particularly vulnerable to slips and falls in these environments.

No matter where you fell or how it happened, the team at Brown, Bass & Jeter is ready to help you pursue maximum compensation.

Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries

Slip and fall accidents often lead to a range of injuries, from minor bruises to more severe conditions. Some of the most common injuries associated with slip and fall accidents are as follows:


Falls often result in broken bones, especially in the wrists, ankles, and hips.

Head Injuries

These can range from mild concussions to severe traumatic brain injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries

A fall can damage the spinal cord, leading to temporary or permanent paralysis, along with other neurological impairments.

Cuts and Abrasions

Surface-level injuries can occur when skin scrapes against a rough surface during a fall.

Soft Tissue Injuries

Sprains and strains to muscles, ligaments, and tendons can cause significant pain and future mobility issues.


Joint dislocations, especially in the shoulders, are a frequent outcome of falls as the body impacts the ground.

Knee Injuries

The knees can suffer direct damage or develop complications from twisting during a fall, affecting ligaments like the ACL or meniscus.

Though these injuries range in severity, all of them have the ability to restrict your independence and keep you from living your life the way you’re used to. Therefore, it’s best to turn to the support of a personal injury attorney to ensure you can focus on your recovery instead of worrying about a variety of legal tasks.

Who May Be Held Liable for Injuries Following a Gulfport Slip and Fall?

Determining liability in a Gulfport slip and fall accident requires identifying who was negligent in maintaining safe conditions. You must be able to demonstrate that the responsible party knew or should have known about the unsafe condition and failed to correct it.

Doing so requires gathering evidence, such as maintenance records, surveillance footage, and witness statements. As such, it is essential that you work with an experienced attorney from Brown, Bass & Jeter as you navigate this process. They will be able to gather all relevant evidence and assemble your case.

In any case, some parties that may be held liable for a slip and fall accident and its resulting injuries include the following:

Property Owners

Both residential and commercial property owners have legal duties to ensure their premises are safe. If they should have reasonably been aware of a hazardous condition and failed to correct it, they can be held liable. Similarly, when it comes to rental properties, landlords are responsible for maintaining common areas and addressing hazards that they are aware of or should be aware of. Failure to do so can result in liability.

Business Operators

Businesses must keep their facilities safe for customers, including conducting regular inspections and prompt cleanups of spills. If a company fails to meet these responsibilities, it can be held liable for any resulting injuries. Likewise, in workplace slip and fall cases, an employer can be liable if the accident was caused by unsafe working conditions or a lack of proper safety measures.

Government Entities

If the slip and fall occurred on public property, such as in a park or public building, the municipality or government entity responsible for maintaining said property could be found liable.

Maintenance Companies

Lastly, there are companies that are hired to perform maintenance or cleaning on certain properties. If these workers neglect their duties, leading to unsafe conditions, both they and their company can be held accountable.

What Kind of Compensation Is Available for Slip and Fall Claims in Gulfport?

Victims of slip and fall accidents can pursue compensation for various damages, depending on the severity of their injuries and the impact on their daily lives. The team at Brown, Bass & Jeter will thoroughly assess your case and consider all possible recoverable damages to ensure you receive the highest possible compensation.

There are three forms of financial compensation that may be available in a slip and fall claim: economic damages, non-economic damages, and punitive damages.

Economic Damages

These damages involve losses that have a clear financial value, including costs for emergency care, hospitalization, surgery, doctor visits, medication, physical therapy, and any future medical treatments related to the injuries sustained in the fall.

Rehabilitation costs are also included under this category of damages, covering expenses for physical and occupational therapy or any other service needed to help the victim regain mobility and function.

Compensation can also be claimed for lost wages, which are those that an individual loses out on due to time taken off work for recovery. Receiving lost wages also extends to a loss of earning capacity, should the victim’s injuries impact their ability to work in the long term.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic do not carry an easily determined value. Compensation for pain and suffering, for instance, acknowledges the non-economic impacts of slip and fall injuries, covering both the physical pain and emotional distress resulting from the accident.

If a victim’s injuries prevent them from engaging in hobbies, activities, and other forms of enjoyment they used to participate in before the accident, compensation can be sought for loss of enjoyment of life as well.

Punitive Damages

In very rare cases where the negligence of the opposing party was particularly egregious, punitive damages might be awarded as well. These are given as a means of punishing the wrongdoer and deterring similar negligent behaviors in the future.

How Long Do I Have to File a Slip and Fall Accident Claim in Mississippi?

Generally speaking, the statute of limitations for filing a personal injury claim in Mississippi is three years from the date of the accident. Failing to file within that time frame typically results in the loss of your right to sue for compensation, as Mississippi courts are strict about enforcing these deadlines.

There are very few exceptions to this rule, so it’s crucial to act promptly and consult with a personal injury attorney from Brown, Bass & Jeter as soon as possible to ensure that all legal aspects, including timely filing, are properly handled.

Injured in a Slip and Fall Accident? Consult with a Lawyer in Gulfport!

Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in slip and fall accidents and will fight to protect your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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Why Choose Brown, Bass & Jeter?

Choosing a personal injury lawyer at Brown, Bass & Jeter for your legal representation offers several key advantages.

For one, the Brown, Bass & Jeter team handles a variety of cases under the overarching umbrella of personal injury law, including premises liability cases. As such, we bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. With a strong history of successful case results behind us, we have established a reputation for being effective and reliable advocates in the legal community.

Additionally, our lawyers all operate on a contingency fee basis. That means clients owe us nothing in upfront fees. You’ll only pay if we successfully secure a recovery on your behalf. And since that payment will be deducted from your recovered damages, you will never have to provide any out-of-pocket fees.

Lastly, as a law firm based in Mississippi since 2015, we have developed a deep understanding of local laws, which is crucial for enhancing the potential for successful outcomes.

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Guest of tenant was stabbed at an apartment complex.


Tenant’s guest shot in car while leaving apartment complex.


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I must say when I need legal consultation, these guys have never let me down and have continued to exceed my expectations every time!
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Working with Attorney Jeter was a very peaceful experience for me! She encouraged me and she was always available when I needed clarification. This was my very first experience hiring an attorney and I’m grateful I was connected to her…
Brown, Bass & Jeter were able to assist with all of my needs/requests in a timely manner. They are very professional and I would definitely use them again!
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Turn to Brown, Bass & Jeter for Help with Your Personal Injury Case

If you’ve fallen and injured yourself on someone else’s property, it is vital that you get the legal guidance you need to protect your rights and recover the compensation you deserve. Start your journey to justice today by contacting the Gulfport personal injury attorneys at Brown, Bass & Jeter today to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

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